

Saturday, November 6, 2010

In the thick of things

Real talk right now.

Have you ever gone for a walk in the woods and ended up just getting so lost. You look around and all you see is trees and trees.

You look down and see the ground covered in leaves, (randy) moss, and dirt. Animals run around doing whatever it is they do besides eat and dry hump. In the middle of all this is you.

You look up and all you see is the canopy of the trees your next to. The size of the tree is humongous and your taken back by its size and overall scale (easy ladies).

At this time you throw up because you can't take it - your this little piece of sphmmmmham in the middle of a gigantic forest. Are you getting the metaphor i'm going for here?

Click the link below and enter "the forest".

 LINK: http://www.sergebrunier.com/gallerie/pleinciel/360.swf

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