

The Future

The Zep'lin is a hypothetical vehicle to explore the new range of electric vehicles. Featuring a vertical architecture, the concept vehicle by French designer can change the direction quickly and land anywhere without the need of infrastructure.
Link: http://www.humacon.org/2009/11/16/renault-zep%E2%80%99lin-explores-a-new-range-of-electric-vehicles/

Journeying to Mars --on a One-Way Ticket
Sending astronauts to Mars or other destinations without a ride home could cut the cost of space missions.
Link: http://news.discovery.com/space/human-space-settlement-mars.html

Is that Prada or Pandora?
If you meet up and talk to me in 2020, I'll likely be covered in electronic textiles. Why carry some electronic gadget you can easily lose when we can just wear our computers?
Link: http://lifeboat.com/ex/10.futuristic.materials